Saturday, April 11, 2009


We had some fun tonight coloring eggs. The girls wanted to glitter colored eggs. We bought the kit to glitter your eggs. We got thru 2 eggs and they hated it. YES!!! I hate glitter. One of my friends on facebook said she tye dyed eggs today with her boys. When the glitter bombed I thought we would give it a try. We colored our eggs and let them dry a little. Then we added oil to the colored water and dunked those eggs again.

I hope you all have a wonderful Easter!!!


Melonie said...

Looks like lots of fun! We all got together to dye eggs too. My Sister bought the tie-dyeing kit but when we started reading it, it was so much work. I will have to remember the oil thing for next year. Your eggs look awesome.

Beth in NC said...

They did a great job. I'll do the colored eggs with my little one next year! I didn't get around to it this year.